Home > Uncategorized > Pentagon Official Threatens Russia Over Finland’s NATO Membership

Pentagon Official Threatens Russia Over Finland’s NATO Membership

Finnish Broadcasting Company/YLE News
July 27, 2013

U.S. official criticises Russia for meddling in Finland’s NATO debate


James J. Townsend, a senior defence official responsible for U.S. policy on NATO and Europe, has criticised Russian interference in Finland’s possible NATO membership.

James J. Townsend, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for European and NATO Policy, spoke frankly on a number of NATO-related issues on a visit to Finland.

With most foreign troops to be pulled from Afghanistan during the next year, Townsend asked for Finland’s continued support in the strife-torn country.

“We’re hoping that the international community, Finland and NATO members, NATO partners, all of us will remain engaged and in support of the Afghan government,” Townsend said.

The U.S. official is also well aware of the debate around possible Finnish NATO membership…

Russia, however, has threatened countermeasures, should Finland join NATO.

“It was disappointing to hear from Russian officials in this day and age. This is a time when nations should feel free to join whatever institution they feel is important to them,” Townsend commented.

Showing off military muscle

In mid-July, Russia staged its biggest military exercises since Soviet times. It will flex its military muscle again in September in joint military drills with Belarus, designed against possible U.S. threats.

“They seem to like to exercise, not just to make sure their troops are trained, but also to send a signal to the neighbourhood that they are still here, and that they are still watching things across their border. And that’s one way they signal that, which I think is a shame,” said Townsend.

Townsend said that the US is not averse to sending out signals of its own.

“I think also it is important for us to signal to Russia or anyone else that the United States has very close friends up here,” he concluded.

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  1. July 30, 2013 at 5:52 pm

    Here we go again with the hegemony and desired control of nations by NATO, aka the USA and UK.
    Why oh why have Finnish troops along with other smaller countries got to send troops to a distant land that should be none of their business. It is all to make it look as though the USA are the good guys there and in the world and preserving ermm freedom and democracy(see Egypt) for the rest of us. That is one big joke.
    It is the USA, aka Nato, that is the threatening bully with their constant build up of their dirty corrupt military machine and exercises along the borders of Russia.
    How would you like it Mr Townshend if other country alliances did provocative exercises on the borders or coast of the USA?


    • richardrozoff
      July 30, 2013 at 5:54 pm

      Thanks for all your comments – and you ask the right question.


  2. rosemerry
    July 30, 2013 at 9:10 pm

    “It was disappointing to hear from Russian officials in this day and age. This is a time when nations should feel free to join whatever institution they feel is important to them,” Townsend commented.
    So the USA, with its Cold War mentality, threatens Russia once more abut Finland, which has a duty to remain neutral and not add futher tension by joining the already overloaded and harmful NATO.


  3. August 1, 2013 at 10:45 am

    There wouldn’t be a problem if the US/NATO weren’t pursuing a policy of surrounding Russia with missiles, now would there? The US is using its age-old technique of provoking other powers and then using their legitimate defensive reaction as justification for further aggressive posturing – the self-fulfilling prophecy that worked so well in Cold War days. And the purpose is always the same: The military machinery must perpetuate itself.


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