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Romain Rolland: Selections on war


Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts

Nobel prize in literature recipients on peace and war

French writers on war and peace



Romain Rolland: A father’s plea against war

Romain Rolland: The abominable war crimes of intellectuals

Romain Rolland: Above The Battle

Romain Rolland: Against grasping imperialism and inhuman pride, military caste and megalomania of pedants

Romain Rolland: America and the war against war

Romain Rolland: Ara Pacis and Ave, Caesar, Morituri Te Salutant

Romain Rolland: Centuries to recreate what war destroys in a day

Romain Rolland: Chorus of war’s secular high priests and intellectual carpet knights

Romain Rolland: Civilized warfare allows victims choice of how to be slaughtered

Romain Rolland: The collective insanity, the terrible spirit of war

Romain Rolland: Content with having said “No!” to war

Romain Rolland: The enormous iniquity, the ignoble calculations of war

Romain Rolland: The equivocating sages of Armed Peace

Romain Rolland: Gandhi and the Satanic nature of war

Romain Rolland: Gandhi vs Einstein: War must be stopped before it starts

Romain Rolland: Goddess of prey, Anti-Christ, hovering over butcheries with spread wings and hawk’s talons

Romain Rolland: Hatred and holy butchery; the deadly sophistry, carnivorous poetry of war

Romain Rolland: He loathed brutal militarism

Romain Rolland: The heroism of war resisters

Romain Rolland: The intellectual drunkeness of war propaganda

Romain Rolland on Leo Tolstoy: How is it they are able to retain the lust of destroying their fellows?

Romain Rolland on Henri Barbusse: The isolated bleating of one of the beasts about to die

Romain Rolland: Letter to Gandhi on confronting age of global wars

Romain Rolland: Letter to Gandhi on total inadmissibility of war

Romain Rolland: Letters on conscientious objection

Rolland Rolland: Letters to Tagore on peace

Romain Rolland: The life that would have been, the life that was not going to be

Romain Rolland: A little idealism to make the war booty more delectable

Romain Rolland: Message to America on the will to conquer the world

Romain Rolland: Mobilization of all the forces in the world for peace

Romain Rolland: Not enough that nations are destroyed, they are bidden to glorify Death, to march towards it with songs

Romain Rolland: Oh, fair diplomats, you rid us of irksome peace

Romain Rolland: Our Neighbor the Enemy

Romain Rolland: Pacifism only allowed when it is not effective

Romain Rolland: Peace and war are in the hands of those who hold the purse-strings

Romain Rolland: Real peace demands that the masters of war be eliminated

Romain Rolland: Reawakening of old instincts of national pride, lapping of blood

Romain Rolland: Recurrence of the hell of war

Romain Rolland: To Gandhi on mental unbalance leading whole world to destruction

Romain Rolland: To the Murdered Peoples

Romain Rolland: To the undying Antigone; waging war against war

Romain Rolland: Tolstoy and peace among men

Romain Rolland: Totalizing, to their personal profit, the ruin of all nations

Romain Rolland: Tragedy of scientists at the disposal of military powers

Romain Rolland: War, a divine monster; half-beast, half-god

Romain Rolland: War, a pathological fact, a plague of the soul

Romain Rolland: War and the factories of intellectual munitions and cannon

Romain Rolland: War enriches a few, and ruins the community

Romain Rolland: The way to peace is not through weakness

Romain Rolland: When we defend war, dare to admit we are defending slavery

Romain Rolland: Where to rebuild the world after war?

Romain Rolland: Youth delivered up to the sword of war


Maxim Gorky on Romain Rolland, war and humanism

Roger Martin du Gard: Romain Rolland

Stefan Zweig: Romain Rolland and the campaign against hatred

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